Early Email #006: Desperate Subject Lines

Good morning friends 👋  



I've been dying to get katgarciadotcom. 

A week ago I emailed someone about it and was anxiously waiting for a reply.

Then boom!

I get an email RE: SHOP NOW BLAH BLAH

A promotional email using "RE."

It was such a letdown.   



Can you smell that? That's called Eau de Desperatíon

Have you ever encountered someone desperate?

You don't want anything to do with them. There must be something wrong with them. Even if there isn't, you don't want that vibe.

eCommerce emails have that too.

It's the RE: and FW: subject lines.



HOW-TO: Writing subject lines

Look, I get it. Writing subject lines is hard.

So what to do when you're low on copy juice? Here's one way to do it:

1. Klaviyo > Create Campaign

2. Use the Subject Line Assistant

3. Get as many subject line suggestions as you can take (30+ preferably)

This list of subject lines should get you started. If not, use the best one on the list. Either way, you're on your way to a proper subject line.

Easy, right?


Happy Emailing (and have an awesome weekend!),



P.S. Yes, RE and FW are legit tactics that, when used sparingly and strategically, can be effective. My point is, don't resort to it unless there's a really good reason to do so.


P.P.S. AB Testing proved to be a much longer post. Putting it in my blog and you'll be the first to know.

P.P.P.S. I now own katgarciadotcom.


Early Email #007: September Campaigns


Early Email #005: Orange Button Bad